Cultures & Expatriations​

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International careers

Working abroad and developing an international career

International careers or working abroad is a challenge – working with different cultures, moving to a foreign country, and sometimes changing career paths. Whether you are an employee, a manager or an expatriate spouse, being supported at the different stages in your career helps you to adopt the right reflexes, to take a step back and get to know yourself better, and to judiciously manage the decisions to come.

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Club Expat Premium

The Club Expat Premium gives your international talents access to exclusive content and workshops, in addition to a secure members-only directory!

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Outplacement Carrière Internationale Expat Communication

outplacement for international assignees

Help international assignees to develop an appropriate job search method for targeted countries, put into action a successful strategy, and mobilize their personal and professional resources.

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Spousal career support

Professional support and skills assessments for expat spouses and partners. Goal: increase agility and define professional goals abroad or when returning home.

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Our programs "International careers"

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Club Expat Premium

The Club Expat Premium gives your international talents access to exclusive content and workshops, in addition to a secure members-only directory!

management interculturel

Intercultural Intelligence Coaching

Intercultural intelligence coaching for expatriate employees and their families to better understand their frame of reference and those of their host country.

Outplacement Carrière Internationale Expat Communication

outplacement for international assignees

Help international assignees to develop an appropriate job search method for targeted countries, put into action a successful strategy, and mobilize their personal and professional resources.


Spousal career support

Professional support and skills assessments for expat spouses and partners. Goal: increase agility and define professional goals abroad or when returning home.

Challenges of an international career: employees and their partners

Key statistic :

For 50% of expat partners and spouses, an expatriation is an obstacle in their career (Barometer 3 / 2022). And for 75% of expats the return home is more difficult than the departure (Barometer 2 / 2022).

Whether you are an employee or a partner or spouse, choosing an international career path represents taking certain risks.

For the assignee, the challenges are linked to culture, international management, and piloting the next steps of his or her career.

For the partner or spouse, the challenge is in reinventing his or her career despite issues with the local language, visas, the recognition of certain diplomas, and a lack of visibility as to the length of the expatriation.

In all of these cases, support from an Expat Communication Coach Academy expert allows you to understand the different stakes and to benefit from unique expertise.

“International Career” programs from Expat Communication

In order to effectively support international careers, the experts of Expat Communication’s Coach Academy combine coaching, expatriate and HR experience. They support international talents in the various stages of their career:

– For employees on international mobility assignments: facilitating their integration into their new role, assisting with managerial difficulties abroad, and preparing the return in advance, including a potential job search.

– For expat partners or spouses, finding and preparing for a new job or new project during the expatriation and/or for the retur home, with both individual and collective programs.

– For employees with international responsibilities (and not necessarily expats), facing the challenges of intercultural management thanks to international executive coaching programs.

For expatriates, our programs are complemented by a one-year subscription to our Club Expat Premium

Tampon Coach Academy

These programs are developed in accordance with Expat Communication’s educational standards. Discover our approach !


The label “Qualiopi” from the French Labor Ministry ensures the quality of our services.

Key figures

0 %

Expatriates who benefited from our programs in 2022 recommend them


Hours of training completed in 2022


Talents benefitted from an Expat Communication program in 2022

Our training programs

Enable employees and their families to face the personal and professional challenges of international mobility

Empower employees and teams to collaborate effectively with different cultures

Facilitate the professional transitions of expatriate spouses and support employees in their international career path

All our international executive programmes

To give your staff a boost in their intercultural intelligence, to launch a managerial transformation programme or to host an event

To develop intercultural skills so that teams can work effectively with different cultures

For talented people experiencing difficulties in leadership, managing complexity or supporting change in an international context

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Please fill out the form below, or contact us directly at +33 (0)1 42 36 91 91 or by email at

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from 9am to 6pm (CET) +33 (0)1 42 36 91 91

Write to us

Club Expat Premium subscription request

Please fill out the form below, or contact us directly at +33 (0)1 42 3 691 91 or by email at

For each subscription, please indicate the number of expatriates concerned and their contact information (city, country, email + spouse's email if applicable). If you prefer, you can send us an Excel spreadsheet or contact us directly.