Cultures & Expatriations​

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Job search group for expat spouses and partners

Job search group for expat spouses and partners: the essentials

Why create a job search group for expat spouses and partners in the first place?

Our studies show that feelings of solitude and isolation are somes of the biggest challenges during an expatriation. And, they can be toxic in the context of a skills assessment. Completing a skills assessment as a group led by an experienced coach, allows for a natural dynamic and creative energy to take form!

This group helps expat spouses and partners to boost their professional goals (a clearly defined plan or on that is still under reflection) and their social (re)integration.

Top 10 reasons to participate in the Job Booster Cocoon

What expat spouses and partners have said

expat homme et femme


back in France

« I had completely lost touch with the French job market. This program helped me build a concrete and realistic plan. »


Karen, French in Munich

« Before the Job Booster Cocoon, it seemed like all the doors had closed, I was so discouraged that I was ready to pack up and leave. I gained a lot of self-confidence and a taste for entrepreneurship."


Marina, Mexican in Paris

"Those first months, the Job Booster Cocoon was my only contact with the outside world! I've now regained ambition and have found a position that matches my career goals."

Discover the JBC testimonial video

The objectives of the Job Booster Cocoon

1. To help you develop and refine a motivating and realistic career plan (in the short and medium term), to regain the confidence and energy to reinvent yourself and move out of your comfort zone, and to benefit from the group dynamics and the spirit of mutual support

2. Carry out a skills assessment* and work on your job search strategy (CV, cover letter, job interview, network, positioning on the market, etc.)

3. Develop and implement effective action plans prior to an expatriation or repatriation to boost your career potential (job search, business creation, freelancing, volunteering, or training)


Modes adapted to the needs of expatriate spouses and partners

This group program is intended for expat spouses and partners, in the 4 months preceding or following their arrival in their host country or their return home. They want to devote time to working on their professional goals – a project that is clearly defined or still under construction – and want to work on integrating socially into their environment.

The Job Booster Cocoon is held 1 to 2 times per week over a period of 5 months. Option of 5 hours of individual coaching. Each session includes a one-hour group session with the coach/expert and several hours of personal work on the digital platform.

Key figures

0 %

Expatriates who benefited from our programs in 2022 recommend them


Hours of training completed in 2022


Talents benefitted from an Expat Communication program in 2022

Tampon Coach Academy

These programs are developed in accordance with Expat Communication's educational standards. Find out more about our approach and our quality requirements.

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Our training programs

Enable employees and their families to face the personal and professional challenges of international mobility

Empower employees and teams to collaborate effectively with different cultures

Facilitate the professional transitions of expatriate spouses and support employees in their international career path

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from 9am to 6pm (CET) +33 (0)1 42 36 91 91

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Club Expat Premium subscription request

Please fill out the form below, or contact us directly at +33 (0)1 42 3 691 91 or by email at

For each subscription, please indicate the number of expatriates concerned and their contact information (city, country, email + spouse's email if applicable). If you prefer, you can send us an Excel spreadsheet or contact us directly.